Patient Success Stories

Healing Stories and Patient Testimonials in Kalispell, MT

Real Experiences of Health and Transformation with Acupuncture, IV Hydration, and Chinese Medicine

Welcome to our Healing Stories and Testimonials page, where the voices of our Kalispell, MT community come to life. In an era overflowing with marketing promises, we stand apart by prioritizing authentic patient care and integrity in every interaction. We believe that true healthcare transcends sales tactics, focusing instead on genuine, compassionate practice.

Our approach is simple yet profound: serve our community with unwavering integrity and dedication to authentic Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and IV hydration. Here, you’ll find real patient testimonials in Kalispell from individuals who have experienced transformative healing. Each testimonial is a unique testament to the individualized care we provide, showcasing the profound impact on their lives.

Take a moment to explore these powerful stories and discover the life-changing results achieved through our holistic approach. We hope this page offers a meaningful glimpse into the essence of our work and the deep, positive changes it brings. It is an honor to be part of our patients’ journeys, and we are grateful to share their experiences with you.

Patient Success Stories

Real stories of health transformation

"At my wit's end with traditional doctors and their pharmaceuticals...fear of needles!"

I stumbled upon Dr. James at Jing Shen Healing Arts a couple of months ago; I was on a soul mission to find some “natural” symptom relief for various medical issues.

I was at my wit’s end with traditional doctors and their pharmaceuticals, and nothing was working! Totally new to acupuncture, scared of needles, but desperate, I had no idea what to expect. I decided to try it, and now I cannot find the words to say how happy I am that I did! Within a few acupuncture treatments and herbal medicines specially formulated for my conditions by Dr. James, I am a completely renewed person.

I feel better than I ever have! Migraines gone! IBS, gone! The physical changes have been amazing, but the spiritual changes have been tremendous! I have been renewed! I have come to a new level of self-awareness and peace. The benefits of what I have received from Jing Shen Healing Arts are endless. I am so thankful to have found them!

If you have any issues with your mind, body, or spirit, and are hesitant, don’t be! Jing Shen has me enjoying life again! ~ A.L.

This testimonial is from a patient who traveled into town for a weekend of treatment at our previous clinic in South Carolina. He traveled specifically for the FIVE ELEMENT ACUPUNCTURE based on a referral related to the life work that we do.

I just completed my very first acupuncture appointment ever. It was conducted by Jing Shen Healing Arts. Dr. James was AWESOME! Very professional, and even though I was meeting them for the first time, I was made to feel as if I was part of the family.

James explained the procedure to me before, during, and after. He never once assumed that I already knew what was going on. I left feeling better than ever and continued to feel better after my great night’s rest which I hadn’t had in a very long time.

I drove from Atlanta, Georgia, to Greenville, South Carolina, for my visit, and it was worth every mile. I definitely recommend anyone who may have wondered about acupuncture to visit James and Jing Shen!.

It was a life-changing experience for me… AWESOME!!!! ~ L.G.

“I have been blessed over the years to have experienced Acupuncture in a couple of different styles before finding Jing Shen Healing Arts. My introduction to Acupuncture was to treat hip pain at an Acupuncture School in Orlando, Fl. It was great, and it was helpful. However, I was later introduced to a style of Acupuncture called Five Element Acupuncture at another school in Gainesville, Fl. That treatment was amazing! It was different; without a doubt, Five Element was completely different from any other treatments I had ever received.

The Five Element treatments helped the physical pain but also touched on some of my buried emotional pain. Without the need to talk about it, the Five Element treatments were helping me heal some trauma I had kept to myself and buried for years. Honestly, I had always dismissed it as “everyone’s got stuff,” and we all do. Still, suddenly I realized that I didn’t have to keep carting it around with me. I had not realized the depth of the pain, hurt, and anger that was deeply there until I started my personal wellness journey.

After leaving Florida and getting settled in my new town, I sought out a Five Element Practitioner to continue my healing. I feel blessed to have found Jing Shen Healing Arts and the two exceptional practitioners under one roof. From the beginning with Dr. James, I have felt like the best version of myself. I feel safe, seen, and heard.

Dr. James has gently challenged me to let go, heal, and grow. He has held a quiet place for me to let layers unfold, sometimes without saying a word. I have been able to be angry, hurt, and scared of the very things that had held me a prisoner to my self and guided me to find peace as I processed through it. Treatments have been powerful and changed me in some way, even in moments when I may not see it for myself. Dr. James challenged me to grow when I wanted to stay small, lean into the unknown and jump when I was scared, and speak from a place of integrity and love instead of anger.

I have learned that my emotional wellness has contributed significantly to my improved physical health; I credit the Five Element approach and Dr. James for that. My health on a physical level has improved dramatically.

In addition to the acupuncture treatments, herbal treatments have helped my system maintain a healthy balance and keep me feeling great. I am beyond thankful for the excellent care I have received from Dr. James and Jing Shen Healing Arts. It was always lovely to arrive at an appointment and feel at home. I have continued my care via distance since moving back to the Midwest. I have had the most significant realizations within my latest move home. I am even more grateful for the work and just how much change & growth has happened.

I am humbled and completely grateful to Dr. James and Dr. Devynne for the Beautiful work they do and all they continue to do for the community and those who are blessed enough to cross your path.

Forever grateful,

“I want to tell my story. It’s one that only a few people know but has forever placed a mark on my heart, body, and spirit.”

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in a relationship with a man who I thought was perfect. He was loving, kind, caring, and attentive. He was a great dad and an even better partner. We developed a relationship rather quickly, and he was great to my boys, and I loved his children like they were mine.

Christmas was approaching, and he was getting ready to leave. We lived in San Antonio, and he was in the Army and about to move to Kansas to start his next assignment. We talked about a future together and dreamed about what that could be like, including marriage and having more children. It was perfect, and he asked the boys and me to move to Kansas once my lease was up in April of that coming year. We agreed to move and began making arrangements to make the transition.

I put in my notice at my job and even began pricing Uhauls to haul our stuff to him. We scheduled a trip for March of the coming year so the boys could see the house and start getting them acclimated to the idea of the move. It went great, and we headed home a week later. The drive home was uneventful and quiet; the boys slept most of the way. However, I would find out everything was not okay a few days later.

I pulled back into San Antonio that evening and attempted to call him to let him know we had made it. No answer. I tried to text. No answer. Eventually, he texted back, saying, “I don’t feel like talking right now.” I had this horrible feeling something was wrong. I tried to call a few more times but no answer. I eventually went to bed and woke up the next day wondering what had happened and what went wrong.

He didn’t respond most of the day, which was abnormal because he always answered. We planned another trip a few weeks later when the boys would be at their father’s. I received a text that night, “I’m going to ask you not to come back until my family has come and gone.” I agreed though I was becoming increasingly anxious as I knew something was wrong.

On the 3rd day of the silent treatment, I began texting, wanting an answer or explanation of what was happening; that was when he called me. He told me he couldn’t do it. He told me he wasn’t ready. He told me he thought he was ready but was wrong. He told me he didn’t want to be together anymore. I remember shattering on my living room floor. I begged him to stay, work through this with me, and help me understand, but he shut down. He gave no explanation other than he couldn’t do this right now.

I thought my world had ended at that moment! I grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of my cabinet and proceeded to drink all night while watching “An Officer and a Gentlemen” repeatedly.

People were calling and texting, and I couldn’t answer. I spent the next three days in my bed on and off, drinking two more bottles of whiskey. I needed to call someone, so I called my Aunt. She is a person who has been there for me always, since day one, and she always picks up without judgment.

Slurring my words, not making sense, crying, I begged her to help me. I explained what had happened, and we arranged for me to get on a plane to see her. I needed to be with someone who wanted to help me with this pain.

Seventy-two hours later, I was on a flight, still intoxicated. I drank on the plane until I was numb. When I arrived, she was there with open arms to embrace me and let me know everything would be okay.

This is the story’s point where Dr. James and Jing Shen Healing Arts come in. My Aunt had arranged for me to see her acupuncturist. Skeptically, I arrive at the clinic and walk through the door; I am embraced with so much understanding, compassion, and love.

I began three days of multiple sessions per day of acupuncture, a healing retreat/journey that may have saved my life. I opened up emotionally on the first day and was exposed to some hard truths. I told my story, but I honestly felt nothing but numb in the beginning. As I began to receive treatment, my body went through changes, and I began to have all of the pain rise again. I cried, was angry, and was sad, but I began feeling relief. I then began to make sense of what was happening and suddenly understood that this was nothing I could control; I had to let go.

On the second day, I was dead sober. I had been without alcohol for over 24 hours, and my emotions were raw. I was no longer numb and was extremely sad. However, by the end of the treatment, I knew I would be okay. I knew I would be okay today, and in the future, I was going to make it. Even the anger was gone.

On the third day, I experienced a moment I still dream about. With his gentle presence, Dr. James placed a needle on my wrist; I felt an energy come through and out of my index finger. I asked him about it, and he explained that the points help regulate what is disrupted. It is intended to free what is stagnant, allowing our systems to normalize.

I felt rejuvenated. It was unlike any experience I had ever had. It was beautiful! When in the middle of a life-changing event, we want that pain to go away no matter what it takes. I’ve always believed that acupuncture worked, but it is much more powerful to experience.

Dr. James and Jing Shen Healing Arts helped me find hope in a time when I thought I wouldn’t survive. My gratitude goes beyond words.

I share my story because I want everyone to know. Most of us have been in situations at some point in our life that hurt so badly that we want to die. I was in a dark place before my Aunt delivered me to Jing Shen; I absolutely wanted to die. My experiences of the care during those few days of treatment were life-changing. The follow-up care has been just as valuable. I now have hope that I can love again and be loved the way I have always imagined. To have that hope, I feel that I am truly living life in its most beautiful and rare form.

My life is forever changed, and I am and will be forever grateful. “

We currently do not offer the group foot soak treatments discussed in this testimonial. However, we love the appreciation that comes through from our military community. It is work we are very passionate about! We love having such a positive impact on a population of people who have given so much!

Thanks to James & Devynne for their support of the military community!! Our military spouse hiking group visited Jing Shen at the end of one of our monthly hikes. Military spouses are the hidden heroes behind our warrior heroes. With that comes a ton of stress! Jing Shen offered to host our group for Tibetan herbal foot soaks.

We were greeted warmly and set up in the foot soak room where we could all experience this treat together. Next came pots of hot tea to start the relaxation process, followed by heated neck wraps, then rolled the customized foot soaks for each person. You could feel the stress melt away and roll out the door. Total pampering and relaxation; We were so well attended to! It is apparent that James & Devynne honestly care about their clients! I’d highly recommend it! Many of us have since returned to experience the other services that Jing Shen offers. Thank you, Jing Shen! ~ L.W.

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Tue 9 AM to 5 PM
Wed 9 AM to 5 PM
Thur 9 AM to 5 PM
Fri - Sun Closed

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