BLOG | Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Kalispell MT

This corner of our website was inspired by you, our patients, and our community. Over the years, we have been asked countless times for a place to find further reading related to the knowledge shared inside the walls of our treatment rooms. We are excited about the interest and opportunity to share the beauty and philosophies that exist within the medicine that we love and practice.

As Doctors of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, we have had opportunities to learn and study with some amazing teachers. However, one of the beauties of our version of the medicine is its tradition of being primarily an oral tradition with minimal text or resources to explore or share. Teachings have been passed from teacher to student; learning was intended to be done by experiencing the medicine.

There are textbooks available and resources with charts, diagrams, and all of the scientific jargon to support the efficacy of what we do. There have been hours of study to gain the proper degrees and national boards to ensure we digested all the information required to practice. Still, the beauty is in the medicine’s poetry, art, and the practitioner’s skill to embody and share it. The beauty of our understanding is typically what our patients ask for more of, and that’s not to be found in an easily digestible book.

We are excited to write, share, and hopefully inspire folks who find their way here. Inspire you to be curious and intrigued about the possibility that maybe there is a better way to think about our health. We love to inform and answer questions so that the methods may not seem so foreign. We hope to educate so that our community can advocate for themselves and choose the path forward that is rooted in knowledge.

We want to challenge those in our profession to do their work to be their best to show up for our patients daily. Most folks would agree that there should be no higher calling regarding healthcare and patient care than maintaining our integrity while practicing medicine. We firmly believe that elevating understanding benefits all of our community and invites conversation and a deeper perspective. We hope you enjoy and feel free to reach out. CLICK HERE if we can answer any questions or help in any way!

Are migraines disrupting your life? Discover the power of acupuncture for effective and lasting migraine relief. At Jing Shen Healing Arts, our Classical Five Element Acupuncture approach treats each patient uniquely, addressing the root causes of your migraines. Learn how our specialized techniques can reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of your headaches, providing a holistic and personalized path to wellness. Read more to understand how acupuncture can transform your migraine management.
Curious about cupping therapy? At Jing Shen Healing Arts, we offer traditional Fire Cupping, a method that enhances blood circulation and relieves chronic pain and muscle tension. Our approach, rooted in Classical Five Element Acupuncture, provides more than just symptom relief. Discover how our expert practitioners use this ancient technique to deliver lasting results and improved well-being. Read more to understand the profound benefits of cupping therapy and how it can be a vital part of your holistic health plan.
At Jing Shen Healing Arts, our journey to becoming skilled practitioners of Five Element Acupuncture starts with deep self-awareness and continuous personal growth. We believe that understanding ourselves is crucial to understanding and treating our patients holistically. This introspective approach allows us to see beyond symptoms, focusing on each person's unique health journey. Discover how our dedication to self-discovery translates into compassionate, personalized care.
Curious about the mysterious MOXA cones used in acupuncture? MOXA cones are part of moxibustion, an herbal heat treatment in Chinese Medicine that enhances acupuncture by promoting pain relief, reducing anxiety, and supporting immune and menstrual health. At Jing Shen Healing Arts, we integrate moxibustion to provide holistic, personalized care that addresses your unique health needs.
Curious about the true goals of fire cupping? At Jing Shen Healing Arts, fire cupping is a branch of Chinese Medicine that goes beyond just leaving marks. Our expert practitioners use this technique to diagnose and treat imbalances by observing the response of your skin to the cups. Learn how fire cupping can relieve tension, enhance circulation, and promote holistic well-being without focusing solely on the marks left behind.
At Jing Shen Healing Arts, we embrace the potency of raw herbs in our Traditional Chinese Medicine practice. Raw herbs, in their natural state, provide the most powerful and customizable treatment options for our patients. Discover how we maintain the integrity of these herbs to offer personalized and effective healing solutions. Learn why raw herbs are the foundation of our approach and how they can be adapted to meet your evolving health needs.
No two people's experiences with headaches and migraines are the same. At Jing Shen Healing Arts, we use Classical Five Element Acupuncture to diagnose and treat the unique patterns underlying your symptoms. By asking detailed questions about your pain and triggers, we create personalized treatments and herbal formulas tailored to your needs. Discover how our individualized approach can help alleviate and prevent headaches and migraines, improving your quality of life.
Each Memorial Day, Dr. Devynne at Jing Shen Healing Arts participates in the CrossFit MURPH workout to honor Veterans and Military personnel. This Hero WOD, named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, includes a challenging sequence of running, pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats. The workout not only commemorates Lt. Murphy's sacrifice but also pays tribute to fallen heroes, fostering a sense of community and remembrance among participants.
Ready to embark on your healing journey with Jing Shen Healing Arts? Whether you're in Kalispell or seeking distance/tele-health sessions, we offer personalized care options. Start with a 30-minute consultation to discuss your health goals and learn about Chinese medicine, or dive into a comprehensive new patient intake to begin your customized treatment plan. Discover how our holistic approach can support your wellness journey, and find the path that suits you best.
We are honored to receive a plaque recognizing our work with the military and veteran community in South Carolina. This piece will find a home in our new clinic as we begin serving Kalispell and the Flathead Valley. Giving back to veterans and military families is deeply important to us, and we look forward to supporting the local community with our holistic care and Five Element Acupuncture.
Embrace the rhythms of spring with Jing Shen Healing Arts. As we transition from winter's rest to spring's renewal, it's essential to align with the season's natural energy. Whether you feel ready to burst into action or need more time to awaken, understanding and honoring your body's needs can lead to greater harmony and well-being. Discover how our holistic approach to health can support your journey through the seasons.
Curious about dry needling? At Jing Shen Healing Arts, we clarify the distinction between dry needling and acupuncture. While dry needling is a technique within acupuncture, it often focuses on symptomatic relief rather than addressing root causes. Our holistic approach through Five Element Acupuncture aims to treat the underlying issues for lasting health benefits, minimizing discomfort and maximizing healing.
Mon 9 AM to 5 PM
Tue 9 AM to 5 PM
Wed 9 AM to 5 PM
Thur 9 AM to 5 PM
Fri - Sun Closed

Office Hours

322 2nd St. W, Kalispell, MT

149 Main St., Kalispell, MT

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[email protected]

Ph: (406)309-3483

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